Dr Manish Tripathi

Hypertensive Nephropathy Dubai

A diagram of the human lungs, essential organs for respiration in the body.

Hypertensive Nephropathy

Kidney disease brought on by high blood pressure or hypertension causes a condition known as hypertensive nephropathy. The kidneys are essential for filtering waste and extra fluid from the body, and hypertension can put undue stress on them. In addition, the kidneys’ tiny blood channels might constrict, thicken, or scar over time, making it challenging to perform their essential functions. This could result in an accumulation of fluid and waste products in the body, which could cause issues including oedema and high blood pressure. In cases of poorly controlled, long-standing high BP or hypertension results in HN. It causes damage to kidney tissue; it includes glomeruli, small blood vessels, interstitial tissues, and kidney tubules.
Unfortunately, hypertensive nephropathy symptoms frequently do not manifest until the kidneys have suffered significant damage. Therefore, it is essential to identify and treat hypertension early on if you want to stop Hypertensive Nephropathy from happening.
Genetics, age, and bad lifestyle choices such as a high-salt diet, inactivity, and smoking are some risk factors for hypertensive nephropathy. To effectively manage this condition, people can take preventative actions and seek timely medical assistance by being aware of the causes and symptoms of hypertensive nephropathy.



Because the signs of hypertensive nephropathy may not manifest until the kidneys have been seriously injured, it can be a silent disorder. However, when the illness worsens, several symptoms could start to show. Ten signs of hypertensive nephropathy are listed below


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